
BlueSky Business Consulting is available for communication at any time with anyone, anywhere in North America! We provide strategic support and advice to Small and Medium Enterprises to help align the company’s operational and Human Resources goals and policies.

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Author: admin

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September 11th, 2001 is a day that impacted the world. For Larry Pittman, previous Public Relations manager at 5-Wing Goose Bay Airport 18 years ago, his morning was about to change forever. We all remember where we were on that day. It was a day when we stood still together in disbelief. It was a day when thousands of hand-working individuals gave everything they could offer...

It’s only human to let your work frustrate you. We make mistakes, we learn from them, but some mistakes can be costly if you don’t know how to maneuver around the mistake or remedy it. Mistakes are a part of human nature, but in the long run mistakes can not only cost you your job, but it can also cost you your business. This is why is pays to know what you’re doing at all times. Individuals graduate from Business School, but often times they do not fit the criteria for Human Resources Management, but rather they know how to run a business, do the books, drive sales and so forth. This ensues the problem: how effective are you with communicating with and retaining your staff?

If you’re a new business startup or even a pre-existing or long-term veteran business, you’ve undoubtadly noticed that the times are most certainly NOT what they’ve used to be. Traditional ways of doing business are being tossed out the window or thrown into the fire. What many businesses have thought worked for them in the past no longer works.

It’s nothing out of the norm to see veteran businesses lose clients, clientele and/or customers to new business start-ups who have all of the bells and whistles in modern day society. In saying that (we speak the truth and that’s why we’re here in the first place as a Human Resources company), each and every business in modern day society must be diverse, lenient and willing to mould with the current trends.

There is no doubt that the job market has changed over the course of the last decade alone. In 2008 times had changed in the industrial and trades industry in Western North America when the price of steel sky-rocketed forcing industries to regrettably shorten their teams.

Since that time the effects from industrial impacts had trickled down across North America. It makes sense, right? The amount of tradespeople earning a healthy wage had diminished and so had the spend by locals on the forefront of their communities, which later made an impactful mark on local businesses.

Since 2008 North America has been trying to gain traction to implement better employment opportunities for candidates. Time may have been hard throughout the years, though for many it’s not only about making a good, well-rounded livable wage, but more so about company inclusion, job environment and fulfillment.